
Don't know where to start? Look for the green stars.

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Bob Wander's Made Easy series of soaring books now available as e-books on Amazon. NEW 9/9/24

Words of Wisdom

  • The novice will practice until they can get it right. The professional will practice until they can't get it wrong. 
  • Listen to the birds. They know best 
  • More Zen, less karate 
  • Fly slow in lift and fast in sink
  • Survival is not about how well you do at your best, but how bad you do at your worst.
  • Superior pilots use their superior knowledge to avoid situations that require their superior skill
  • You won't get hurt if you land in the dirt 

Learning/Ground Study

Flight Training

  • (Checklist use, boxing the wake, slack line, slips to landing, & more)

Preflight Planning

91.103 Preflight action. Each pilot in command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available information concerning that flight.

Badge and Cross Country Soaring

Power Pilot Transition

Notable Soaring YouTube Channels